previous events

blood red roses past events

A helpful list of Blood Red Roses’ past events and the experience points that were awarded for attending.

RW YearGame YearEvent NameXP for PplayingXP for Crewing
2004 1273 Coming Full Circle 3 1
2004 1273 Pardoner's Tale 3 1
2004 1273 The Masque of Death 3 1
2004 1273 Home Goal 3 1
2005 1274 Dame Eternity's Carnival of Wonders 3 1
2005 1274 Jack in the Green 3 1 2022 1291 Out of the Pan 3 1
2005 1274 The Winter Hawk 3 1
2006 1275 The Hut of Darkness 4 3 2011 1280 Angels 3 1
2006 1275 Tom O'Bedlam's Daughter 3 1
2006 1275 The Trubador's Tale 3 1
2007 1276 Sacred Sol 3 1
2007 1276 The Taker of Eves 3 1
2007 1276 Where the Wind Blows 3 1
2008 1277 Minuteman 3 1
2008 1277 The Stress of Her Regard (Banquet) 3 1
2008 1277 Quicksilver (Dragon) 5 1
2009 1278 To End All Wars 3 1
2009 1278 Song of Gelderwald 3 1
2010 1279 Das Ratterkreig 5 1
2011 1280 I, Warlock 3 1
2006 1275 The Hut of Darkness 4 3 2011 1280 Angels 3 1
2012 1281 Foes, Fools and Fensmen 3 1 2021 1290 A Clean Fete 3 1
2012 1281 The Face of Life and Death (War Ends) 3 1
2012 1281 The Crumbs from the Table 3 1
2013 1282 Collective Interests (Library) 3 1
2013 1282 Harvesting 3 1
2013 1282 Lunar Afflatus 5 1
2014 1283 Behind the Veil 3 1
2014 1283 Savages 3 1
2014 1283 Hunter Moon 3 1
2015 1284 Of Whispers and Merriment 4 2
2015 1284 Of Judgement and Order 4 2
2015 1284 Ties that Bind 3 1
2016 1285 Whispers 3 1
2016 1285 The Kingsway 3 1
2016 1285 The Gathering Dark 3 1
2017 1286 Threepoints 3 1
2017 1286 The Hunting Grounds 3 1
2018 1287 Hospitality 3 1
2018 1287 A Song for Summer 3 1
2018 1287 Justice For All 3 1
2019 1288 A Shroud for the Ides 3 1
2019 1288 A Hatred Turned 3 1
2019 1288 Without Wrath 5 2
2012 1281 Foes, Fools and Fensmen 3 1 2021 1290 A Clean Fete 3 1
2021 1290 It Tolls For Thee 3 1
2005 1274 Jack in the Green 3 1 2022 1291 Out of the Pan 3 1
2022 1291 Across the River 3 1
2022 1291 Into the Dark 3 1
2023 1292 Fortunes Wake - -